洗砂有多种形式,涵盖了一系列饲料和生产的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, including construction aggregates such as concrete, 沥青, 梅森, 砂浆, 和 plaster s和s; sports s和s such as for golf courses, 球公园, 和 race courses; industrial s和s, 比如玻璃, 过滤器, 铸造, 和 frac; specialty s和s 和 materials such as anti-skid, roofing granules; deligniting/organics removal; 和 soils 洗ing for environmental projects.

对于有兴趣最大限度地提高产量并根据最终用户的需求和规格生产精确分级菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的客户, it is more likely that a custom s和 plant is the correct solution. Whether the s和s are natural or manufactured, 细或粗, 评分好或差, or required for specialty applications, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 can offer a plant specifically designed to suit your needs.


洗砂厂涵盖了从原料状态到成品状态的各种过程. 这些过程包括:

  • 备料 -原料饲料在加工前,必须使用以下组合配制 消耗细胞, 叶片工厂, 粗料螺旋垫圈, 日志垫圈旋转式洗涤塔. The objective is to bring all materials into suspension, 基本上是分解任何粘土和粘土结合的材料,去除表面的污染.
  • 分级 – Prior to 和 immediately after the feed preparation step, 原料必须筛选成适合下游工艺和生产菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的馏分. 振动屏幕 都是常用的.
  • ——离心 泥浆泵 浆料从一个工厂/过程转移到另一个工厂/过程的首选方法是什么. Pumps are also used for effluent disposal. Although there can be resistance to using a pump over a gravity-fed unit, a gravity-fed unit may not be able to capture saleable materials. 这些损失直接浪费掉了,从长远来看,最终会让你花钱.
  • 脱泥 - If a significant amount of 解放d ultra-fine material is present in the feed, 通常需要在分类前除去这一有害部分. 高悬浮黏土含量会对分级效率产生不利影响, leading to losses of saleable materials 和 dirty products. 飓风 是首选的脱泥设备,因为他们的高剪切和高效分级. 饲料调节池也非常合适,特别是在疏浚应用中发现的高容量的地方. 控制溢流可以降低泵送至下游分级的功率消耗. 偶尔, desliming or simply 洗ing is all that is needed to create the final product by removing the <75µm (<200 mesh) down to a certain level, 如3-5%通过.
  • 分类 -这是根据大小或比重将颗粒相互分离的过程. In s和 洗ing, this applies to the <4mesh (<5mm) particulates. The procedure may involve making single sharp separations with our Hydrosizer™, or multiple size classifications with our 分类的坦克. 在哪里生产特种砂,例如用于玻璃、压裂、运动、过滤器、铸造等., a Hydrosizer™ provides the accuracy needed for the splits in product gradation. 飓风和 分隔符™ 分类装置是否也在140目(105微米)和更细的尺寸分离范围内工作,通常比使用加氢筛的范围更细.
  • Deligniting /有机物去除 - This process is the classification of materials based on their specific gravity. 在聚合应用中,根据整体工艺设计,可以选择加氢器™或加氢器™ LitesOut™ is used to reject +50 x 4mesh organics of 1.4 – 1.8 SG. 我们使用ASTM C123测试轻质材料,其中使用重液体来定义污染物的比重. 在某些情况下,砂和褐煤之间的比重差是微不足道的, 我们可以在我们的实验室里运行一个测试来评估在加氢筛™中的重介质分离. 应始终理解,最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全并非无褐煤,但将根据ASTM C123通过.
  • 致密和脱水 -某些类型的设备, like Hydrosizers 和 消耗细胞, require a dilute slurry to be concentrated. 飓风 or 分隔符™ are most commonly used for this purpose. 分离器™特别适合这一任务,能够调节流量密度. 在脱水情况下, 优质材料螺丝, 脱水屏幕 or 分隔符™ are the most common devices. The lowest moisture content, by far, is obtained with a 脱水 Screen. With improved safety (less cleanup around the conveyors), 更好的管理(几乎没有从库存中排水)和更及时的供应, 脱水筛已成为最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全脱水的首选设备.
  • 废水处理 – Water is a very valuable commodity, 因此,将水回收电路作为任何许可程序的一部分正在成为一项要求. The device most common for this purpose is a 增稠剂. In most cases, 85% of the process water can be recovered for reuse. 最具成本效益的储存方法是专用水箱,以减少与池塘相关的渗透和蒸发损失. These tanks also save on the power requirement to pump the water out 和 back.
  • 废物固体管理 – While 增稠剂 can recover process water, 底流相对较稀,通常被泵送到遏制池. 完成洗砂过程,使废固料处于可运输和可堆放的状态, 滤波器按 是典型的雇员.
  • 抽样 - Every system requires monitoring 和 sampling to provide the best results. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 can design a sampling system up front to focus on the key areas. The ability to react faster to process changes helps eliminate waste, improve product quality 和 troubleshoot problems.

为什么菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 洗砂厂

洗砂有多种形式,涵盖了一系列饲料和生产的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, including construction aggregates such as concrete, 沥青, 梅森, 砂浆, 和 plaster s和s; sports s和s such as for golf courses, 球公园, 和 race courses; industrial s和s, 比如玻璃, 过滤器, 铸造, 和 frac; specialty s和s 和 materials such as anti-skid, roofing granules; deligniting/organics removal; 和 soils 洗ing for environmental projects.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全以创建流程解决方案来满足每个客户应用程序的特定需求而闻名. We have one of the largest ranges of robust, 会给出设备, 我们也在不断创新. Our background 和 expertise in applications is second to none.

取决于应用程序, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 can perform lab scale tests on materials, 包括筛析, 固体百分比, 摩擦擦洗, 水槽/浮动, 砂当量和耐久性, Hydrosizer™ based classification, static 和 dynamic flocculation/settling 和 压滤机 测试.

用我们专有的模拟, in-house lab 和 industry expertise, 您将获得专门为您的站点设计的设备,其容量可满足您的需求. Our expertise is the envy of the industry, so when you couple this with one of the largest ranges of equipment offerings, 我们可以提供一个解决方案.

Frequently Asked Questions About 洗砂厂


First, consider the following questions: What do you have? 你想做什么? 如果答案是一个非常专业的级配和一个困难的天然砂沉积,那么考虑a 植物配方. 如果答案是人造砂,而你每天都在制造混凝土砂,那么 超砂工厂 or 组合式洗涤设备 也许是你的答案.

许多其他因素, 比如可用投资, local competition 和 exp和ing markets, 会影响这个决定. Through a process of elimination starting with the simplest configuration, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s experienced personnel will guide you through to the best options.

For high-quality s和 that meets strict specifications, look no further than 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 配方砂植物. 这些砂厂利用每一粒沙子为混凝土提供定制的混合, 铸造, 玻璃砂和石膏砂. 由此产生的砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全是一致的,均匀的,甚至将满足最严格的规格.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 在线混合砂厂 provide high product yields, 提供灵活的混合选项, produce drier products 和 improve product consistency. They are simple to operate, create accurate splits 和 are field-proven.

基于分类槽的砂厂可以从单一饲料中产生多种菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,并去除黏液和多余的水. Feed material enters the S和 分类 Tank first, 和 s和 grains settle in sections according to size down the length of the tank. 每个部分底部的阀门将颗粒释放到用于制造初级的几个水槽中的一个, 二级或三级菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, 取决于应用程序. The discharged products are then dewatered by 脱水屏幕 和/或 优质材料螺旋垫圈. 添加旋风和/或上升水流可用于去除饲料.

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全工业砂厂设计与麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全设备的组合,以提供各种工业砂极其尖锐的分类. 该设备包括 消耗细胞, 脱水屏幕, 水力旋流器, Hydrosizers™, 滤波器按, 优质材料螺旋垫圈、泵、 分隔符增稠剂.

尽管便携式植物, which can be wheel-mounted or skid-based to provide an ease of transport, 能力有限, 他们不会限制这个过程. 便携式沙植物 can be used for 分类ing, 脱水, sizing 和 removing oversize 和 organics from feeds to produce aggregates, construction 和 demolition materials, 特种砂.

特性 & 好处
  • Designed with field proven, state-of-the-art equipment
  • 提高存款收益
  • Lab scale 测试 for optimal eqiupment configuration
  • Big picture view with experience implementation
  • 专门的项目管理
  • 现场服务 Team for startups 和 troubleshooting


Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.